Project Tag: Online Advertising

  • Does Online Advertising even work? Are the ads worth the money?

    Does Online Advertising even work? Are the ads worth the money?


    Does Online Advertising even work? Are the ads worth the money? Yes….. ? Should I post my collection of goofy t-shirts as proof? Oh, you want an explanation. Digital Marketing companies use many confusing words, talk rather rapidly, and move on to something shiny when asked this question, because it can be difficult to answer.…

  • The Apple, the Facebook, and the IDFA

    The Apple, the Facebook, and the IDFA


    Apple has made some changes lately that has rattled the Digital Marketing industry, and the news ranges from the sky is falling to Apple is protecting user privacy. But what did Apple do? Will it effect you? How has digital advertising changed after the policy came into effect? It’s been something that has not only…

  • Email Marketing

    Email Marketing


    Online advertising covers a variety of methods of marketing communication, and an early technology still in use is Email Marketing. Marketing through email has a long and interesting history. It’s easy to do, costs very little, and produces traceable results. I could start one this afternoon. But, Before this job, I worked for an internet…