Project Type: Quick Tips

  • Content Marketing

    Content Marketing


    It’s a late night and I am in bed scrolling through Youtube when I come across a video titled “Yellow Jackets INFESTATION inside Bedroom wall! Sleeping with Wasps!” It’s not really a good idea to watch what was behind a thin layer of paint in someone’s bedroom right before bed. It was a video from…

  • Email Marketing

    Email Marketing


    Online advertising covers a variety of methods of marketing communication, and an early technology still in use is Email Marketing. Marketing through email has a long and interesting history. It’s easy to do, costs very little, and produces traceable results. I could start one this afternoon. But, Before this job, I worked for an internet…

  • Social Media Marketing

    Social Media Marketing


    I meet business owners that feel most of online marketing is a waste of time. They usually have a few forms of marketing that they use. They might have a truck wrap that advertises to people stuck behind them in traffic. Sometimes, they put a sign up on the side of the road; so people…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Search Engine Marketing (SEM)


    Early in our relationship, before we got married, I took my girlfriend to Baltimore for a weekend getaway. It was in the winter and a thick gray sky covered the brick and stone city like a wet blanket. We took Amtrak into the city, and it was a short walk from the train station to…

  • Web Cookies

    Web Cookies


    Web Cookies are a type of code where bits of information are exchanged between a web browser and a client for a variety of uses. The data exchange is small and is used to provide information about the user to the server. The idea for Web Cookies came from the term Magic Cookie. A Magic…

  • The Wonderful World of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

    The Wonderful World of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)


    When you click on a website, how long do you wait for it to display before clicking on something else?Would you wait two minutes? How long do you think your customers are going to wait? Google feels this is important as well, and part of your site ranking depends on speed. Welcome to the wonderful…

  • Domains (DNS)

    Domains (DNS)


    The internet is a technological landscape of many different parts that come together in a way that is so seamless, most people take it for granted. These parts all work in the background to provide your internet experience. Most of the internet is made up of web pages that you access every day for various…

  • Resources in Research

    Resources in Research


    Digital Marketing Channels requires regular research and updates to ensure they are working for you. A Google search will show a flood of information, some of which is outdated or wrong. Tech Companies want you to know how to use their services, and they provide videos and documentation that will teach you how. The following…